Celebrating 30 Years of Native Plant Sales
Shop the region’s largest selection of landscape-ready native trees, shrubs, herbacious perennials, ferns, grasses, and vines.
Sales are conducted online and fulfilled by scheduled in-person pickup. For information about special orders, special pickups, help with plant choices for restoration projects, or pricing for nonprofits or commercial contractors, contact Leslie Cario at [email protected].
1. Shop Online
Online ordering begins on Thursday, February 27 for Adkins Arboretum members, and March 1 for the general public. The sale closes on Thursday, March 27.
Adkins Arboretum members shop early and receive a discount. Click here to become a member.
2. Pickup In-Person
There are two pickup locations to choose from: Adkins Arboretum in Ridgley, Maryland and Delmarva Native Plants in Georgetown, Deleware.
Upon completing your online order, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to schedule your pickup date, time, and location.