Wild and Wonderful: How Native Plants are Transforming a Formal Estate-Turned Public Garden - April 6


Saturday, April 6, 2024
1–2 p.m.

With a 150-year history as a private estate, Stoneleigh: A Natural Garden became one of the newest public gardens in the Philadelphia region in 2018.  Informed by the growing understanding of the connectedness of all living things, a vision arose during the transition: to reimagine a historical landscape as an ecologically vibrant wonderland of native plants.  Relying on both tried-and-true gardening techniques and intrepid experimentation, the emerging garden is an exuberant exploration of cultivating native plants in the modern landscape.

 Join Stoneleigh Director Ethan Kauffman as he reveals the unexpected plants, expressive design philosophy, and unconventional practices that are driving Stoneleigh’s exciting transformation. This program takes place in the Arboretum gallery.

Advance registration is required for all programs and events. This helps with planning and lets us contact you if programs are canceled. Many of our instructors are from out of town, and programs with insufficient enrollment may be canceled several days in advance.