Uvularia grandiflora (merrybells)

1 Quart

Large merrybells or large-flowered bellwort is an early Spring flower for the deep shade to lighter shaded woodlands. Its lemon-yellow flowers are held in drooping bells. It has a light green foliage and an interesting seed capsule. Grows to just about 1' tall in average moisture with lots of compost. A nice companion for Virginia bluebells since its foliage will fill in when the bluebells have gone dormant.

Merrybells is native to an area from the Appalachians west to the Dakotas, Kansas and Oklahoma. It is considered highly rare in Maryland. The plant is found in open shade in rich moist woods with calcareous to neural soils. The nectar attracts bumblebees, mason bees, halictid bees, and andrenid bees. Deer eat the plants. Ants collect and redistribute the seeds. 


Photo by Kathy Thornton