Deam's black-eyed Susan or Deam's coneflower is a highly rated species of Rudbeckia that produces 1" golden daisy-like blooms from mid-Summer through Fall on plants reaching 3' in height. It is low maintenance and thrives in sunny, fertile and well drained soils late Summer into the Fall. Reaches 3' tall by 2' wide. A great plant for pollinators and a prolific self-sower. Good for perennial borders, massed plantings, meadows, and naturalized areas.
Eastern coneflower is native to eastern North America. It is on Maryland's watch list as vulnerable. Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii is native only to parts of Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Host plant for several butterfly species. Coneflower's ripe seeds are a favorite food of finches in Winter.
Photo by Kathy Thornton