Beach plum is a small ornamental deciduous tree maturing at about 12’ when grown in a garden setting. White flowers emerge in April to early May, after pollination turning pinkish in color, followed by egg-shaped foliage, green, alternate. Edible fruit, round, purplish-black to black to red, ripens in August. Plant in full sun. Tolerates sandy soil and is salt-tolerant. Has few pests. Prune late Winter or early Spring. Fruit production requires another beach plum for pollination.
Beach plum is native to the east coast of the U.S. from Maine south to Maryland. It is found in sand dunes in the wild. Birds and other animals eat the fruit. Native bees are attracted to the flowers. Host plant for the laurel sphinx moth.
BONAP Native Range Map (bright green indicates county native, dark green indicates state native)
Photo by Kellen McCluskey