Tall Pitcher Workshop - April 5

Saturday, April 5, 2025
1 pm–4 pm
$55 for Members/$65 for Non-Members

Welcome April showers with a tall, handcrafted pitcher – perfect for holding blooms as a vase or serving your favorite beverage. In this workshop, create a one-of-a-kind piece featuring floral and fauna designs pressed into the clay. All materials are included, but participants can also bring their own plant materials. No experience with clay is needed.

Your finished pitcher will be fired and glazed by the instructor and ready for pickup at the Arboretum in 4–6 weeks.

Advance registration is required.

Meet Your Instructor

Sharon Guzman has been interested in clay since childhood, when she made pinch pots from clay she found in the woods. After raising and educating her own children, Sharon returned to clay. Today she  creates pottery in a studio built by her husband. Sharon sells her pottery pieces and ceramic jewelry in local businesses and teaches handbuilding workshops all over the Shore.