Maryland DNR Recommended Tree and Deer-Resistant
The sweetbay magnolia is an evergreen or deciduous tree, depending on the mildness of the winter climate where it grows. It tends to be multi-stemmed. It produces beautiful, creamy-colored, vanilla-scented flowers in May-June that give way to bright seed pods in Fall. The sweetbay magnolia usually reaches 20–30' tall by 15' wide. Best in full to part sun in wet to moist soil. Can tolerate wet and waterlogged soils and even periodic drought. A semi-evergreen tree on Maryland's Eastern Shore, with dark green leaves above and silver undersides. A medium to fast grower. Prized for its flowers, its neat attractive foliage, and its fast growth, it can be a good choice for specimen plantings, woodland edges, foundation plantings, and patios.
Sweetbay ranges from Masschusetts south to Florida and west to Texas. In Maryland, it occurs mainly on the coastal plain, usually near water in wet woods or the edges of swamps. The thinly fleshy red coat on the seeds attracts some fruit-eating birds, which swallow the seeds, digest the red coating, and disperse the seeds in their droppings. Foliage is used by several birds for nest-building. Host plant for the eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly and for various species of moths.
Photo by Kathy Thornton
BONAP Native Range Map (bright green indicates county native, dark green indicates state native)