Juncus effusus (soft rush)

1 Quart

Soft rush or common rush is a grass-like, rhizomatous perennial that is well suited for water gardens, native plant and wildlife gardens, large natural landscaping designs, and habit restoration projects. It features cylindrical upright green stems in spreading basal clumps to 20–40” tall. Clumps provide vertical accent to moist garden areas. Although the stems appear from a distance as coarse and stiff, they are soft to the touch. Easily grown in moist to wet soils, including standing water to 4" deep, in full sun locations. It tolerates light shade, but best in full sun. Notwithstanding its preference for abundant moisture, soft rush will perform surprisingly well in average garden soils as long as they receive consistent irrigation. Clumps are often slow to establish, but once established will spread by creeping rhizomes. 

Soft rush is considered native in Europe Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. It is found growing in wet areas, such as wetlands, riparian areas, and marshes. The species provides wildfowl, wader feeding, and nesting habitats, as well as habitat for small mammals. Muskrats eat the rootstalks, and birds take shelter within the clumps. A number of invertebrates feed on soft rush. 


Photo by Kathy Thornton