Holiday Trip to the Mall—Monday, December 5

Monday, December 5, 2022
Fee: $75 members/$95 members

Join us for a day at the Mall—The National Mall! You will have five hours to explore sites such as the National Gallery of Art, the U.S. National Botanical Garden Conservatory and annual holiday show, the National Gallery Skating Rink, and more. 

The bus departs from Aurora Park Drive in Easton at 9 a.m. and from the Route 50 westbound/Route 404 Park and Ride at 9:20 a.m. We will depart for home at 4 p.m.  Feel free to pack a snack and/or lunch to eat on the bus. 

**Note: You will be asked upon checkout to create an account. This is optional and is not required to process payment or to register.**