Growing Up Green! - March 26–May 14

Tuesdays, March 26–May 14, 2024
1–2:30 p.m.

Spring is an exciting time for new life at the Arboretum! During this eight-week program, we’ll peek into bluebird boxes, scoop up tadpoles with nets, scout for chrysalises in our pollinator beds, use binoculars to find squirrel nests, plant sunflower seeds, and much more as we learn about the fascinating life cycles of our native plants and wildlife. Early reading skills will be incorporated into this program, but reading is NOT a requirement for participation. Most learning will take place outdoors; please dress for the weather.  This program is for ages 6–10. 

Advance registration is required for planning purposes. Classes will largely be held outdoors; students should dress for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes.


**Note: You will be asked upon checkout to create an account. This is optional and is not required to process payment.**