Eragrostis spectabilis (purple lovegrass)

1 Quart

Purple lovegrass is an upright, tufted grass that as a massed planting leads to fluffy clouds of bronze-red inflorescences that are soft and subtle in the sunlight. A great choice for Fall interest in the garden. It stays under 18" and does best in full sun in moist to dry soils. Good for the front of naturalized areas or borders. The blades turn a light brown in the Winter, and offer good shelter for insects and small animals. Purple lovegrass can also be used as a lawn alternative in areas with low foot traffic, as it only needs to be mowed a few times per growing season.

Purple lovegrass is native to eastern and central North America. It prefers sandy soil and disturbed areas such as sandy or gravelly roadsides, plains, and woodlands. It is also very drought-, salt-, and cold-resistant. It is often used to reintroduce native species in distrubed areas as it spreads readily via seeds. It is also used as an erosion control plant as its fibrous roots hold soil in place. Attracts several species of birds and butterflies and other pollinators. Seeds are used as a food source for small mammals. Wild deer graze on it and will dig up the basal part of the stem to use as a food source during winter. Smaller animals use the plant for nesting material and cover.


Photo by Kellen McCluskey