Echinacea purpurea 'PowWow Wild Berry' (purple coneflower)

1 Quart

Currently out of stock

Echinacea 'PowWow Wild Berry' is a new and improved cultivar, known for its darker vibrant flowers and compact habit. Growing to 16 to 20 inches tall, this cultivar adds all the joys of the straight species in a shorter habit. Plant in full sun and well-drained soils.

Purple coneflower is native to parts of eastern North America and present in the wild to some extent more broadly. Its habitats include dry open woods, prairies, and barrens. The flowers attract many kinds of bees, including bumblebees, sweat bees, honey bees, the sunflower leafcutter bee, and the mining bee. Butterfly visitors include monarchs, swallowtails, and sulphur butterflies. Birds, particularly finches, eat the seeds and disperse them through their droppings. Slugs and rabbits will also eat the newly emerged foliage. 

BONAP Native Range Map for straight species. Bright green indicates native to the county, dark green indicates native to the state.

Photo credit: The Roaming Picture Taker, Flickr, Creative Commons