Deschampsia flexuosa (wavy hair grass)

1 Gallon

Wavy hairgrass is an underutilized, diminutive native grass (only growing to 15" tall) that thrives in dry shade. Fine-textured and delicate in appearance, it is evergreen, tough, and drought-tolerant, ideal for planting in any well-drained shady location as a groundcover. It is a cool season grass, doing most of its growing in the cooler temperatures of Spring and Fall. In spring it is topped with graceful feathery flowers that are lovely moving quietly in the breeze. Flowers turn gold after bloom as the seed ripens, and may remain attractive through much of the Winter. Grow in shade or part shade average to dry soil with good drainage. Mixes well with shade-loving perennials such as ferns. Deer and rabbit resistant.

Wavy hairgrass is a species of bunchgrass widely distributed in North America and elsewhere around the world. It is found naturally in dry grasslands and on moors and heaths. It is an important component of the ground flora of birch and oak woodland. Attracts pollinators and other wildlife. 

BONAP Native Range Map (bright green indicates county native, dark green indicates state native)