Cornus florida (flowering dogwood)
flowering dogwood (5 gallon, 3-4' tall)
Flowering dogwood is a true coastal native. This small deciduous tree is prized as an ornamental for its showy bracts in Spring, its fruit in Fall and Winter, and its interesting bark structure. Grows 15–30' tall. Must be in well drained soil. Does best in moist, acidic soil with good morning sun and some afternoon shade. Maximum life span is about 80 years. Flowering dogwoods have both male and female flowers, and all trees will produce fruit.
Widespread and common in Maryland. When found in the wild, they are typically at the forest edge and frequently on dry ridges. Dogwood fruits are an important food source for dozens of species of birds, which then distribute the seeds. Host plant to the larvae of many butterflies and moths. On Maryland DNR's Recommended Tree List; also listed as deer-resistant.
Photo by Kellen McCluskey
BONAP Native Range Map (bright green indicates county native, dark green indicates state native)
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