Chionanthus virginicus (fringetree)

2 Gallon

Maryland DNR Recommended Tree

The white fringetree is a showy and fragrant deciduous shrub or small tree. Both male and female plants produce richly scented white feathery flowers in May. Female plants produce berries in Summer to early Fall. Fall leaf color is a fine, clear yellow—a good contrast with evergreens and viburnums. Fringetrees can grow to 12–20' tall and wide. They prefer full sun to part shade and do best in moist, fertile soils. They do not tolerate prolonged dry conditions. We cannot guarantee male or female ID on the plant. The fringetree is subject to emerald ash borer infestation. 

White fringetree grows in much of the eastern and southeastern U.S. In Maryland, it is more common in the eastern part of the state. Host plant for two species of sphinx moths.


Photo by Kathy Thornton

BONAP Native Range Map (bright green indicates county native, dark green indicates state native)