White turtlehead is a woodland plant whose common name derives from the appearance of its flower petals, which resemble the head of a tortoise. The creamy white to light pink or purple flowers bloom in August and September. The plant can reach 3' or taller if planted in part shade with wet to moist soils. Can tolerate full sun all the way to full shade. Good for woodland gardens, pond edges, and moist border areas.
Turtlehead is native to eastern North America. It is found in wet woods and meadows, marshes, and streambanks throughout Maryland. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Leaves are a primary food source for Maryland's state butterfly, the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly, which is now considered rare in the state.
BONAP Native Range Map (bright green indicates county native, dark green indicates state native)
Photo by Kathy Thornton