Cercis canadensis (redbud)

2 Gallon

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Maryland DNR Recommended Tree

Eastern redbud is a deciduous understory tree (or multi-stemmed shrub) that is prized for its pea-like flowers that appear in early Spring. The flowers grow directly from the trunk or limbs of the tree, a trait more typical of tropical than temperate-zone trees. The lavender-pink flowers emerge in March and April before the heart-shaped leaves develop. Redbud reaches only 30' tall and wide. Redbuds do well in full sun to part shade, with medium soil moisture. Can be used as a street, yard, or border tree. Requires little pruning. It will grow in a fairly wide range of soils as long as they are well drained. It lives about 20 -30 years, a shorter life than other trees.

The eastern redbud is native to eastern North America. It is commonly found in Maryland, but not everywhere on the Eastern Shore. It is a host plant for various moth and beetle species and a leafhopper species.


Photo by Kellen McCluskey

BONAP Native Range Map (bright green indicates county native, dark green indicates state native)