Calycanthus floridus (Carolina allspice/ sweetshrub)

3 Gallon

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University of Maryland Extension Recommended Native Shrub

Carolina allspice, also known as eastern sweetshrub or strawberry bush, is a rounded, flowering shrub known for its unique, dark red flowers and fragrant fruity scent. The fragrance of the flowers can be deliciously fruity in the Spring. Its bark and leaves are also aromatic. Mature plants reach 6–9’ tall and 6–12’ wide. Plant in full sun to shade in moist soil. Fragrant maroon-red flowers bloom May to July. Green oval leaves that are fragrant when bruised turn yellow in Fall. Growth is slow to medium growth rate. Good for shrub borders and areas where the fragrance can be enjoyed.

Carolina allspice is native to the eastern U.S. A primitive flowering plant that evolved before winged insects first appeared, it is one of the relatively few plants that  is pollinated by beetles. Tiny sap beetles, lured by the flowers' spicy scent, work their way into the closed flowers easily, but departing is more difficult. Trapped inside for several days until the flowers open, they pick up pollen, which they take with them as they move on to another flower, ensuring cross-pollination. (Source: Tolerates deer browse.