Baccharis halimifolia (groundseltree)

groundseltree (1 gallon)

Baccharis halimifolia, also known as groundseltree, sea myrtle, or salt marsh-elder, is a fall-flowering shrub. It is the only native species of the aster family that reaches tree size, up to 12' in height. Unusually tolerant of saltwater spray and intertidal flooding, this fast-growing shrub is suitable for waterfront landscaping in the Chesapeake region. On female plants, plume-like achenes which appear in the fall resemble silvery paintbrushes. Baccharis is the ancient Greek name (derived from the god Bacchus) of a plant with fragrant roots.

Groundsel is native to the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains. common in its native habitat of salt and brackish marshes. It has also expanded inland; due to the heavy application of salt compounds along our roads in winter, it is now easily observed along nearly all of our major highways. Flowers August to November. Flowers produce abundant nectar that attracts various butterflies including the monarch. Wildlife find food and cover in these dense shrubs.


BONAP Native Range Map (bright green indicates county native, dark green indicates state native)  

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