Aster divaricatus (Eurybia divaricata) (white wood aster)

1 Gallon

White wood aster is a favorite for shaded gardens. An explosion of beautiful white flowers in August and September, the white wood aster does best in part to full shade and dry to medium moisture. This plant grows 1–2.5 ' tall and can spread through rhizomes to 2.5' wide. It can be divided in Spring. Gardeners like white wood aster for multiple reasons: it flowers earlier than many other asters, does not require staking, flowers well in shade and requires minimal maintenance. It does require partial shade, however, performing best when given about four hours of sunlight. 

White wood aster is native to eastern North America and abundant in the U.S., especially in the Appalachian Mountains. It can be found in dry open woods as well as along wood edges and clearings. Attracts a variety of butterflies. Particularly beneficial to late season pollinators. Winter songbirds eat the seeds.


BONAP Native Range Map (bright green indicates county native, dark green indicates state native)  

Photo by Kathy Thornton