Aronia arbutifolia (red chokeberry)

1 Gallon

Currently out of stock

University of Maryland Extension Recommended Native Shrub

Maryland DNR Deer-Resistant Plant

Red chokeberry is a multi-stemmed shrub that is native to both wet and dry thickets. It tends to sucker and form colonies. Clusters of sweet-smelling white to light pink flowers appear in Spring. Flowers are followed by abundant glossy red fruits which appear in dense clusters along the branches. Edible fruits (though very acidic when raw) ripen in late Summer and persist on the shrub throughout Fall and well into Winter. Foliage turns bright red in Autumn. Fruits are sometimes used to make jams and jellies. A popular native plant for landscaping. Reaches a height of 5–12' and a spread of 4–8'. 

Red chokeberry is native to eastern North America. It is found throughout Maryland's coastal plain. Its habitat is swamps, wet thickets, bogs, fens, margins of freshwater wetlands. Flowers February–May and fruits September–November. Flowers are visited by numerous pollinators, and berries provide food for birds and mammals in late Winter.


BONAP Native Range Map (bright green indicates county native, dark green indicates state native)