Viburnum dentatum 'Blue Muffin' (arrowwood viburnum)

2 Gallon

'Blue Muffin' has become a popular arrowwood cultivar because of its neat foliage, white Spring flowers, and namesake blue fruits in autumn (if a different selection is planted nearby). It is well suited for a hedge or as a specimen and is very low maintenance. Viburnums are considered deer resistant in that they can tolerate deer, but deer will eat the flowers, particularly on younger plants, which will prevent fruit from forming, so netting or deer repellent may be something to consider if you contend with deer.

Arrowwood viburnum is native to the eastern U.S. from Maine south to northern Florida. Its berries, which contain 41.3% fat, are a food source for songbirds. It is a host plant to several moth species. Deer browse this plant.