Artist registration for Plein Air Adkins 2024


Artist registration fee: $15 ($20 after 10/1)

Paint-Out Registration and Rules

1. BOUNDARIES: The geographic boundaries of the paint-out are specified in the event map. 

2. TIMING (to be added)

3. FRAME OR MAT: Each painting must be framed or matted prior to the exhibit and judging, for ease of handling.

4. AWARDS:   

  • First Prize: $300 and logo item w/gift membership
  • Second Prize: $200 and logo item w/gift membership
  • Third Prize: $100 and logo item w/gift membership
  • Honorable Mentions (5): Logo items w/gift membership
  • Artist's Choice Award: $200

5. SALE: Each artwork must have a title and price and is required to be for sale. Adkins Arboretum will take a 20% commission from each work that sells to help fund this event. The monetary transaction for each artwork sold will be handled by event staff. Any artist who sells his/her artwork on the side to avoid commission will be banned from future events. 6% Maryland State sales tax will be added to the price of each artwork that sells, which will be collected by the event staff. There will be event staff on hand to accept credit cards. The artist must provide her/his Social Security Number or Federal EIN for any sale over $600.