Sunday, June 8, 2025
1–3 pm
Free for Members/$10 for Non-Members
Learn about and observe the natural ecosystems of Maryland’s Coastal Plain on an expert–led walk, identifying as many species as possible along the way!
Advance registration is required.
Meet Your Guide
Jim Brighton is a native of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. He was born, raised, and currently lives in Cambridge with his family. He studied contemporary literature at Salisbury University, but decided to follow the family tradition of working on boats. He has spent the past 27 years working at Campbell’s Boatyards in Oxford.
During his time off from the boatyard Jim runs the non-profit Maryland Biodiversity Project, and works for the University of Maryland performing plant surveys. As co-founder and President of the Maryland Biodiversity Project, Jim spends time documenting the flora and fauna of Maryland, along with managing many of MBP’s field projects.
Jim was the University of Maryland’s Chesapeake Champion in 2017 and the Maryland DNR Conservationist of the Year in 2019. Through his work at the Maryland Biodiversity Project Jim helps promote community science and education by helping to build a vibrant nature study community.